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The Experience Builders Podcast Clips
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Chris, Jordan, and Hunter discuss how AI tools like Zapier and Clay can streamline event management.

Chris with guests Jordan Walker & Hunter McKinley go over the challenges and potential of AI in the events industry.

Chris, Jordan and Hunter discuss how Backtrack helps exhibitors manage trade show conversations by recording in five-minute loops.

Chris talks with guests Jordan Walker & Hunter McKinley about Backtrack, a meeting recording tool that has significantly impacted the events industry.

Chris talks about where leniency often occurs in production, particularly in woodworking and fabrication.

Chris goes over the risks of being lenient when selecting clients.

Chris discusses the challenges of hiring during high seasons and the consequences of leniency in staffing.

Chris talks about managing a unique project at the Palm Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.

Chris goes over how to strategically find and evaluate the right partners for business needs.

Chris talks about what he looks for in a collaboration partner, emphasizing trust, credibility, and commitment.

Chris discusses common misconceptions about collaboration in the trade show industry.

Chris & Khalil talk about the importance of content quality over high production costs, especially when targeting specific audiences.

Chris & Khalil discuss the importance of creating an ultimate buyer's guide to streamline customer interaction and enhance company operations.

Chris & Khalil delve into the effective strategies for creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Chris & Khalil talk about essential tips for content creation with a seasoned production expert.

Chris & Khalil discuss the crucial role of content in influencing consumer decisions and shaping personal and company brands

Chris talks with Martin Laurel about event logistics from the exhibitor's perspective.

Chris and Martin Laurel discuss empathy and problem-solving in the event logistics industry.

Chris and expert Martin Laurel discuss the intricate details of the event logistics process, focusing on the weighing and dispatch stages.

Chris and guest Martin Laurel talk about the logistics of marshaling yards in event settings.

Chris shares his take on the intricacies of billing and invoicing.

Chris talks about the unexpected and often overlooked issue of billing within businesses.

Chris and Mark Taylor talk about the challenges of aligning sales and production teams.

Chris and Mark Taylor go over the critical role of clear communication and alignment in team operations.

Chris and Mark Taylor tackle the complex issue of personality differences and their impact on workplace culture.

Chris and Mark Taylor go over how misalignments can lead to dysfunction within teams and affect project outcomes.

Chris with Mark Taylor discuss how integrating diverse team roles, from account executives to designers and engineers, enhances client relationships.

Chris talks with Mark Taylor about the gap between sales and production.

Chris and guest Julie Kagy discuss the key to preventing potential issues from becoming major problems in the service industry.

Chris and guest Julie Kagy dive into the essence of problem-solving within the service industry.

Chris and guest Julie Kagy tackle the critical topics of workforce development and retention in the event industry.

Guest Julie Kagy shares insights on addressing mistakes, empowering employees, and the importance of treating team members as customers to foster a culture of service.

Chris and guest Julie Kagy go over the complexities of managing expectations and addressing challenges during event setups.

Chris is joined by Julie Kagy to discuss the evolving dynamics of customer service in the post-COVID era.

Chris talks about the importance of making the USP a core part of your team's understanding and operations.

Chris goes over the value of understanding your audience and highlights how a focused approach can enhance your brand's distinctiveness and competitive edge.

Chris discusses the importance of a unique selling proposition (USP) in setting your business apart. Focusing on CrewXP's journey, he highlights the steps to identify and develop a strong USP.

Join Chris as he unpacks unique selling propositions (USPs). He talks about how going beyond price can set a brand apart from the competition.

Chris Griffin & Sachel Josefson discuss the value of the 'Day of Giving'. They highlight the importance of industry partnerships and alumni support in providing valuable experiential learning opportunities for students at Bemidji State University.

Satchel Josefson shares the importance of industry partnerships and how experiential learning can be a game-changer in their career choices.

Chris Griffin & Sachel Josefson dive into the importance of workforce development in the industry. They discuss the need not only to attract new talent but also to focus on developing existing talent in the pipeline. Tune in now!

Explore how 80% of revenue often comes from the top 20% of clients and the significance of identifying client profiles to make informed decisions.

Not every project is a good fit. Chris shares his experience of a client "breakup tour" to clarify his company's identity and values. Saying 'no' led to better-fit clients, increased profitability, and overall business success.

The best leaders protect their team by knowing when to say no to projects and prospects. Involving your team in decision-making and keeping their capacity in mind leads to better outcomes and strengthen teamwork.

How do you qualify opportunities and vendors? Khalil and Chris discuss the challenges of saying 'yes' too quickly and explore why qualification is crucial.

Join Chris and Khalil as they dive into the art of saying 'no' in business. They talk about the reluctant 'yes' to empowered 'no’ and how 'no' can enhance business growth and success.

Don Svehla and Chris Griffin discuss the anticipated outcomes of the Exhibit City News and Experience Builders Partnership, highlighting its potential for enriched content and industry insights.

Discover the dynamic partnership between Exhibit City News and Experience Builders Podcast, a collaboration set to elevate industry conversations with in-depth insights and substantial content.

Join us in this insightful episode as we dive into why 2023 might be a more realistic representation of the 'new normal' in our post-pandemic world. A must-watch for anyone looking to understand the evolving landscape of the events industry.

We're thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership between Exhibit City News and the Experience Builders podcast! This new alliance promises to bring you more of the latest trends, strategies, and innovations. We're thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership between Exhibit City News and the Experience Builders podcast! This new alliance promises to bring you more of the latest trends, strategies, and innovations.

Discover how Chris Griffin plans to build on the EDPA's current successes, expanding its reach and influence in the business events industry. He shares his vision for enhancing member engagement, fostering industry innovation, and driving sustainable growth.

Exciting news on the Experience Builders podcast as Chris steps up as the new EDPA President. Listen in as he and Khalil discuss the impact of this role on the business events industry and the significance of the EDPA.

Looking to borrow money for your business? Join Chris and Dan as they discuss accessing capital and offer expert insights into making the right financial moves for your company's growth.

Find out how to turn your vision into reality with Dan as he shares the essential mindset and approach for economic planning. Learn how to bridge the gap between visionary ideas and turning them into actionable plans.

Deal with the shifting tides of economic uncertainty with Chris and Dan as they dissect the new conditions and the need for better analytics and adaptability in your strategy. Learn to thrive amid ambiguity and seize the opportunities hidden within the challenges

Learn how to raise your prices without losing your valued clients. Chris and Dan share insights into their experience, discussing the challenges, market dynamics, and maintaining customer relationships during price adjustments.

Gain valuable insights on adapting to the new normal and its economic shifts on this episode. Discover strategies to overcome rising costs and foster innovation for business success in today's evolving landscape.

Dive into a candid discussion with Dan, Chris, and Khalil about the state of the economy. Gain critical insights into how the workforce landscape and rising costs are shaping experiential business strategies post-pandemic.

Join Michael McMahon in an enlightening discussion about shaping workplace expectations and creating a purpose-driven culture. Explore insights into hiring strategies, fostering growth, and finding meaning in your role.

Gain insights into adapting to evolving workforce dynamics with Michael McMahon. Explore compensation shifts, leadership approaches, and fostering a growth-driven culture for enhanced organizational success.

Join Michael McMahon as he delves into the world of experience, wisdom, and effective interviewing techniques. Explore the concept of a tribal organization that nurtures engagement and growth for employees of all levels."

Unpacking Workplace Culture Shifts Join the discussion with Michael McMahon as he delves into the changing dynamics of work culture post-COVID. Explore the challenges of employee expectations, adapting special sauce, and redefining fit for a new era.

Join us as Michael McMahon discusses building his company on hard work beating talent, the evolving workforce post-COVID, and reshaping organizational culture for success. A must-watch conversation!

Gain insights into setting realistic career expectations for students entering the creative industry. Join the discussion on how universities can align their curriculum with industry needs to prepare students for success. Discover the balance between aspirations, salary, and role progression.

Join Sachel Josefson as he shares insightful tips to foster creativity, enhance well-being, and thrive in your creative journey.Discover effective strategies to recharge your creativity and prevent burnout as a creative professional.

Find out about the effects of burnout on designers and uncover strategies to provide them with support and alleviate their stress. Explore the concept of 'working on the business' vs 'working in the business' and its impact on team dynamics.

Discover the importance of addressing customer burnout in the event industry. Explore how empathetic design practices can mitigate stress for clients, leading to better experiences and long-lasting relationships.

Dive into a compelling conversation about intentional company culture, addressing burnout, and fostering a system of freedom. Explore how culture goes beyond perks and impacts employee satisfaction, performance, and innovation.

Explore the intersection of vulnerability, creativity, and growth in this engaging conversation. Join Sachel Josefson and the team as they discuss the power of failure in the creative process and building innovative organizational cultures.

Join Sachel Josefson in an insightful conversation about the interplay of creativity and authenticity. Explore the pivotal role vulnerability plays in personal growth and meaningful pursuits.

What makes a good project manager? From organization and leadership to client communication and teamwork, learn how intentional excellence drives outstanding project experiences! Whether you're hiring or aspiring to be a PM, this valuable insight awaits.

Chris uncovers the telltale signs of amateur project management and learn how to trade the adrenaline-fueled crisis management for strategic systems and intentional action. Discover the ultimate gift to clients: a calm, hassle-free project experience.

Dive into the thought-provoking world of project management with insights from a compelling manifesto. Discover how intentional approaches and strategic techniques can elevate your outcomes, reduce surprises, and empower success in any endeavor! Join us for a captivating discussion inspired by Seth Godin's wisdom.

Unlock the secrets of exceptional project management in just 5 minutes! Join Chris as he delves into the core principles that define greatness in the world of business events and set the stage for a game-changing 2023.

Discover how mindset, drive, and finding a balance between work and personal life play crucial roles. Gain valuable insights and practical advice on embracing passion, self-care, and setting boundaries.

In this discussion, we delve into the essence of workplace culture and its true drivers. Discover why creating a thriving culture goes beyond physical spaces and perks, emphasizing the importance of connectivity, camaraderie, and meaningful relationships.

Is remote work truly productive or just a different kind of distraction? Discover intriguing insights from a business leader’s perspective on traffic patterns in London and the realities of working remotely.

Noelle Webster explores the topic of self-discipline in remote work. Drawing from personal experiences, she discusses the importance of recognizing individual productivity preferences and finding effective strategies to stay focused and minimize distractions.

Noelle Webster reflects on her remote work journey during the pandemic. From the initial fear and uncertainty to working tirelessly and feeling a mix of guilt and gratitude, she shares her firsthand experiences of adapting to remote work.

Noelle Webster talks about her professional background, career aspirations, and remote work experiences at Woolwork. From her initial leap into the industry to adapting to a remote work environment, Noelle shares her insights and the valuable lessons she has learned along the way.

Discover the importance of work-life balance and personal goals in this insightful video. Join us as we delve into topics like family, investments, and wellness.

Gain valuable insights into Q3-Q4 forecasting techniques and effective strategies for a competitive edge in this insightful clip. Explore advanced tools and systems optimizing precise predictions and opportunity awareness.

Get to know the latest developments in processes and systems, new customer acquisition, and company culture in this insightful clip. Learn how the team tackles challenges and makes decisions on inventory management, proactive business development, and fostering a positive work environment.

Explore the latest updates on personnel development, cash flow, and key areas of investment for QXP in 2023. Gain insights into the talent market, cash flow projections, and the company's expansion plans. Don't miss this clip for valuable information and strategic business discussions.

Join Chris Griffin & Rich Heagy as they share their thoughts on the importance of processing systems for companies of all sizes. Discover how implementing a well-defined process can lead to significant benefits, such as improved healthcare plans, enhanced retirement options, and the ability to attract top talent.

In this clip, Chris Griffin & Rich Heagy discuss the challenges of managing varying prices for products and services in the event industry. They emphasize the importance of offering consistency to customers and adapting to changes in the industry.

Chris Griffin & Rich Heagy discuss two crucial factors that can impact the success of businesses in the event industry. They highlight the importance of accurately estimating labor costs and managing the fluctuating costs of material

Chris Griffin & Rich Heagy discuss the importance of having a defined process and managing expectations in business. Discover how following a process and resisting the temptation to deviate can impact costs and profitability. Learn from real-life examples and gain valuable insights into effective project management.

Chris Griffin & Rich Heagy explore the significance of gross margin for businesses. Learn how to calculate and understand gross margin, its impact on profitability, and gain insights into managing costs and maximizing profitability.

Martin talks about how to define job responsibilities and tasks for employees in an organization. He explains how once the org chart and job descriptions are defined, it's important to consider how tasks are passed between employees.

Martin Holland shares his personal challenge of setting written goals with accountability in his latest YouTube episode. He discusses the importance of having specific and measurable goals, and how they are the key to achieving success in any business.

Martin Holland discusses how to create a strong company culture and provides tips on how to define your company's values.

Learn about the difference between a vision and a mission and how to make a realistic vision statement. Watch now to gain valuable business insights from Martin Holland.

Chris and Martin discuss the nine essentials of a successful, organized business, and how they apply to companies that have had to make major changes due to the pandemic.

Chris and Khalil discuss how to prepare clients for unexpected situations when working on a project, particularly in the event industry. They talk about the importance of setting expectations up front with the client, and making sure they are available to answer any questions.

Chris emphasizes the importance of having a pre-project huddle where the team can discuss potential issues and plan accordingly

Chris talks about the importance of having processes in place to deal with unexpected situations. He also emphasizes the value of being prepared and learning from past mistakes.

Chris and Khalil discuss strategies for dealing with unexpected challenges in the workplace. They emphasize the importance of clear communication, identifying problems, and defining solutions

Chris discusses how to manage unexpected events in the event planning industry. He emphasizes the importance of staying calm and coaching staff to react logically rather than emotionally.

Chris discusses some of the challenges faced by businesses, including supply chain issues and the need to diversify savings and operating cash